Some hardware vendors do not supply details in the default locations in the BIOS. Zim uses this information to determine the machine make and model.
With a standard Wizard generated Zim.cfg this can result in the error: "FILE:INI,Get requires an INI key name".
- TFTP folder with Zim integrated
Check that the Product name has been populated in the BIOS, if not attempt to use an alternate BIOS entry and if all else fails use a generic "OEM" section.
- In zimcfg., replace the line that reads the images.ini file as follows
; Check that the DMI values are populated on this machine If:Var,dmi_system_product,ne,"" Set:lookup_section,"%dmi_system_vendor%" Set:lookup_value,"%dmi_system_product%" Else: If:Var,dmi_board_product,ne,"" Set:lookup_section,"%dmi_system_vendor%" Set:lookup_value,"%dmi_board_product%" Else: Set:lookup_section,"OEM" Set:lookup_value,"%dmi_system_vendor%" End: End: ; Read image details from lookup file File:Ini,Get,"/zimbin/images.ini","%lookup_section%","%lookup_value%",hardware_lookup set:hardware_image,token("%hardware_lookup%","|",1) set:desktop_laptop,token("%hardware_lookup%","|",2)
NOTE: Examining the zim.log file will show which DMI variables are populated and most suitable for use. See TID 2006018 for more information on enabling the zim.log file
- Update the images.ini file.
The images.ini file will need to be updated to reflect the different information being used and an additional section will need to be created in the images.ini file for the [OEM] information.
NOTE: The information zdrivers writes to the sample images.ini file will no longer be appropriate.
- Test.