In order to use ZCM Wake On LAN or ENGL Zwake it may be necessary to enable the Wake On LAN functionality of the NIC within the installed operating system.
Deploy a registry file in the drivers add-on image
It is possible to control the Wake on LAN capabilities of the network cards by using registry keys, however these keys are dynamic and will generally be different for different machine types / NICs so a custom registry file must be deployed per workstation type, i.e., in the drivers add-on image.
A sample registry fragment is reproduced below;REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0005] "PnPCapabilities"=dword:00000020 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0005] "PnPCapabilities"=dword:00000020
Use a script to enumerate through all wired adapters and enable Wake on LAN.
A much easier option is to deploy a script which enumerates all wired network adapters and enables the Wake on LAN capabilities. This script may be used on all machines and can therefore be delivered by the common build (ztoolkit.zmg) add-on image.
A sample script is reproduced below;' ENGL Imaging Toolkit Build Console ' Copyright (C) 1999-2010 Expert Networking Group Limited ' WOL enable ' ' ' Custom script template (phase1-before.vbs) ' Attach to ENGL Ztoolkit ActiveX Control Set LDAP = CreateObject("ENGL.Ztoolkit.LDAP") Set Utils = CreateObject("ENGL.Ztoolkit.Utils") Set ZENworks = CreateObject("ENGL.Ztoolkit.ZENworks") set WSHshell = createobject("") ' ' Enable Wake-on-LAN on all wired network cards ' Utils.AppendLog "enable WoL for all wired Ethernet adapters" Dim colNetworkAdapters Dim objNetworkAdapter Dim strDevInstanceName Dim strNetworkAdapterID 'Query for all of the Win32_NetworkAdapters that are wired Ethernet (AdapterTypeId=0 corresponds to Ethernet 802.3) Set colNetworkAdapters = GetObject("WinMgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}//./root/Cimv2").ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE AdapterTypeId=0") Utils.AppendLog "Enabling WoL:" For Each objNetworkAdapter In colNetworkAdapters Utils.AppendLog " " & objNetworkAdapter.Name & " [" & objNetworkAdapter.MACAddress & "]" strNetworkAdapterID = UCase(objNetworkAdapter.PNPDeviceID) 'Query for all of the MSPower_DeviceWakeEnable classes Dim colPowerWakeEnables Dim objPowerWakeEnable Set colPowerWakeEnables = GetObject("WinMgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}//./root/wmi").ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM MSPower_DeviceWakeEnable") 'Compare the PNP Device ID from the network adapter against the MSPower_DeviceEnabled instances For Each objPowerWakeEnable In colPowerWakeEnables 'We have to compare the leftmost part as MSPower_DeviceEnabled.InstanceName contains an instance suffix strDevInstanceName = UCase(Left(objPowerWakeEnable.InstanceName, Len(strNetworkAdapterID))) If StrComp(strDevInstanceName, strNetworkAdapterID)=0 Then'Match found, enable WOL utils.appendLog " WoL enabled" objPowerWakeEnable.Enable = True objPowerWakeEnable.Put_'Required to write the value back to the object End If Next 'Query for all of the MSNdis_DeviceWakeOnMagicPacketOnly classes Dim colMagicPacketOnlys Dim objMagicPacketOnly Set colMagicPacketOnlys = GetObject("WinMgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}//./root/wmi").ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM MSNdis_DeviceWakeOnMagicPacketOnly") 'Compare the PNP Device ID from the network adapter against the MSNdis_DeviceWakeOnMagicPacketOnly instances For Each objMagicPacketOnly In colMagicPacketOnlys 'We have to compare the leftmost part as MSNdis_DeviceWakeOnMagicPacketOnly.InstanceName contains an instance suffix strDevInstanceName = UCase(Left(objMagicPacketOnly.InstanceName, Len(strNetworkAdapterID))) If StrComp(strDevInstanceName, strNetworkAdapterID)=0 Then'Match found, enable WOL for Magic Packets only utils.appendLog " Magic Packet only enabled" objMagicPacketOnly.EnableWakeOnMagicPacketOnly = True 'Set to false if you wish to wake on magic packets AND wake patterns objMagicPacketOnly.Put_ 'Required to write the value back to the object End If Next Next Utils.AppendLog "WoL reconfiguration completed"