
ZCM delivered policies can adversly affect the ENGL build process.

It is recommended that DLU and other policies are not associated to the Installer user however if policies are associated at a high level this is not always possible


  • ZCM 10.3.x (and newer)


Configure a requirment that disables the policy during the ENGL build process.


Done Task
1. Configure a requirement on each policy
2. Test

  1. Configure a requirement on each policy

    • Login to ZENworks Control Center

    • Open the policy to be edited

    • Select "Requirements" tab

    • Click "Add Filter"

      Define the following parameters:

      • Filter type : Registry key exists

      • Registry key : \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ENGL\Ztoolkit

      • Operators : No

    • e.g.

      Image images/2011015-policy.png not found. [configured policy requirement]
    • Click Apply.

    • Increment version of policy (ZCM10.3.x)

      Publish new version of policy (ZCM11.x)

  2. The policy will now no longer apply during the ENGL build process but will be available post build. This is because the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ENGL\Ztoolkit only exists during the build process and is removed at the end of phase4.

  3. Test

    • Re-image a device that was having issues during the build process

    • Review the ztoolkit.log file from the build. The policy will not be applied and any previous policy related issues should no longer occur.