By setting the project display resolution to 0 x 0
within the Expert View the maximum resolution that is supported by the graphics card and monitor will be set during the build process.
If the build process is unable to query the graphics card or monitor a default resolution of 1024x768 is set.
Whilst this works in most scenarios some cards occasionally report a higher resolution than the attached display actually supports which may result in a blank or black screen.
Use the drivers image to deliver a script that modifies the project settings to set a static resolution for this machine type.
Edit script
Create the script below editing it as appropriate to set the required screen resolution
' ENGL Imaging Toolkit
' Script to set the display settings to specific values for a particular machine type
' Script added as a custom driver in the specific model's driver pack
' Attach to ENGL Ztoolkit ActiveX Control
Set Utils = CreateObject("ENGL.Ztoolkit.Utils")
' Specify the required values here:
xMax = 1280
yMax = 768
bpp = 32
Utils.AppendLog "Setting Display Resolution to:"
Utils.AppendLog "xMax : " & xMax
Utils.AppendLog "yMax : " & yMax
Utils.AppendLog "bpp : " & bpp
' Update zmainrun.xml file to set screen resolution to defined values (Screen resolution will be set after a reboot)
Utils.AppendLog " Updating zmainrun.xml"
EnglXmlSetElementValue "c:\ztoolkit\zmainrun.xml", "//ENGL/ImagingToolkit/BuildProcess/Branding/Display/Width", xMax
EnglXmlSetElementValue "c:\ztoolkit\zmainrun.xml", "//ENGL/ImagingToolkit/BuildProcess/Branding/Display/Height", yMax
EnglXmlSetElementValue "c:\ztoolkit\zmainrun.xml", "//ENGL/ImagingToolkit/BuildProcess/Branding/Display/BitsPerPixel", bpp
Utils.AppendLog "Update complete"
' Function to update zmainrun.xml file
Function EnglXmlSetElementValue( path, xpath, value)
EnglXmlSetElementValue = 1 ' Return error
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.async = False
xmlDoc.resolveExternals = False
xmlDoc.load( path )
If (xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode 0) Then
Dim myErr
Set myErr = xmlDoc.parseError
MsgBox("You have error " & myErr.reason & "(line: " & myErr.line & ", pos: " & myErr.linepos & ")")
' Get node
Set objNode = xmlDoc.selectSingleNode(xpath)
' objNode.Value = value
objNode.Text = value
' Save XML
xmlDoc.save path
End If
EnglXmlSetElementValue = 0 ' Success
End Function
Save the script as screenres.vbs
then add it to a zip file named screenres.zip
Add script to drivers image
- Open Build Console
- Select the Driver Pack you wish to update
- Right click on the Driver Pack then select Manually add driver file
- Populate the following information:
Setting |
Value |
Driver class |
System |
Driver description |
ScreenRes |
Driver version |
1.0 |
Then click Next
- When prompted browse for and import the
file then click Next
- Click Finish to complete the process
- The driver should now be listed in the Driver Pack.
Set custom properties
- Right click on the newly imported driver then select Analyse
- Right click on the newly imported driver then select Properties
- Then click Ok to save the change.
- Set the Command Line to
%windir%\system32\wscript.exe "%SystemDrive%\ztoolkit\drivers\system\ScreenRes\screenres.vbs"
Deploy drivers image
Right-click the Driver Pack then select Create driver image
Once the drivers image has been created successfully copy it to the appropriate folder on the imaging server.
Test updated drivers image
- PXE boot the problem machine to the Zim menu
- Select
Restore Menu
- Select and restore the appropriate project
- Monitor the machine as it builds. The resolution should be set correctly at the end of phase1.
If you have any problems or questions about the script or steps in this TID please contact the ENGL support team