The standard ENGL System Center Configuration Management deployment process requires someone to be present at a machine in order to start the process.
It is possible to automate the (re-)imaging of machines using the ENGL deployment process with System Center Configuration Management with some slight modifications.
The following imaging scenarios are covered in this TID:
- Launch an Imaging Task Sequence from the
Software Center
- Forcing a machine to re-image by adding it to a specific Collection.
- ENGL deployment process configured and working using System Center Configuration Management
- Access to the System Center console
- Text editor
Create Boot Images
The ENGL deployment process creates 2 Boot Images (x86 and x64). These Boot Images use a prestart command in order to ensure the latest
files are available in the imaging environment.
The prestart command stops automatic imaging from running correctly so a copy of these boot images is required.- Launch the
System Center console
- Navigate to \Software Library\Overview\Operating Systems\Boot Images
- Right click on the ENGL Boot Image (x86) boot image then select Properties
- Select the Data Source tab then make a note of the
Image Path
(This is the path to the ENGL created winpe.wim file)
- Click Cancel to exit the Boot Image Properties dialog
- Select Add Boot Image from the ribbon bar
- Browse to the path identified earlier and select the ENGL created
file then click Next
- Enter the following information:
Name ENGL Boot Image (x86) Re-image Version 1.0 Comment ENGL PE media used for automatic re-image (no prestart command)
Then click Next
- Click Next then wait until the Boot Image creation process has completed and then click Close to close the Add Boot image Wizard dialog
- Right click on the newly created Boot Image then select Properties
- Select the Customisation then do the following:
- Enable the Windows PE Background - Specify the custom background image file (UNC path) option
Then browse for to the.\Zimbin\englpe.bmp
- Enable the Enable command support (testing only) option
- Enable the Windows PE Background - Specify the custom background image file (UNC path) option
- Select the Data Source tab then enable the Deploy this boot image from the PXE-enabled distribution point option
- Click OK to save the changes. When prompted to update the distribution points with a new version, select No
- Launch the
The Boot image has now been configured as required. This process can be repeated for the X64 boot image if required.
Create a
packageWhen booting using the normal PXE Task Sequence,
is loaded via the prestart command. This is not used with the re-image Task Sequence, so aZim SCCM Package
is required.
Before the Package can be created thezimfiles
folder on theSystem Center Configuration Management
server will need to be updated as this folder structure will be used as the basis for the package.NOTE: The zimfiles folder
will be found atc:\RemoteInstall\SMSTemp\zimfiles
if System Center was installed to the c:\ drive. It can also be found at\\{sccmserver}\REMINST\SMSTemp\zimfiles
.- Create a
file in thezimfiles
folder. This file is used to close the task sequence progress dialog while Zim is running.
Create the file and add the following text into it:' ' HideTSProgress.vbs script ' ' Used to close the task sequence progress dialog while Zim is running Set oTSProgressUI = CreateObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSProgressUI") oTSProgressUI.CloseProgressDialog Set oTSProgressUI = Nothing
- Create a
file in thezimfiles
folder. This file is used to run theHideTSProgress.vbs
file and launchZim
Create the file and add the following text:
@ECHO OFF Rem Close the Task Sequence progress bar cscript HideTSProgress.vbs Rem Copy appropriate architecture files into package root Set PLATFORM=x86 If %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 Set PLATFORM=x64 copy %PLATFORM%\*.* . /y Rem Launch Zim md x:\zimbin xcopy . x:\zimbin /y /e x:\zimbin\zim.exe /s:x:\zimbin\zimauto.cfg /log:"x:\zim.log" /z
- Create a
file in thezimfiles
folder. This file is the Zim configuration script used to re-image the machine.
NOTE: The sample file below will re-image a machine using information stored in ENGL Build data (EBD)
to ensure that the project that was last deployed to the machine is re-applied.
The file can be edited to define a specific project to be restored. The project information MUST exist in the projects.ini file within theZim package
Several entries in the file are highlighted in green. These need to be replaced by values appropriate to your environment.
Create the file and add the following text:
; ***************************************************************** ; ENGL Imaging Toolkit 10.0.8 Build Console ; Copyright (C) 1999-2017 Expert Networking Group Limited ; ; SCCM Automatic re-image zim.cfg ; ; ***************************************************************** ; Settings Set:_ZimDir,"%SystemDrive%\zimbin\" ; Display log file for debugging If:File,Exist,"x:\zim.log" File:Run,"cmd /c start Ztrace /trace:x:\zim.log /zorder:bottom",verbose End: Set:_BgColor,"blue,black" Set:_HdrColor,"blue,white" Set:Images_Path,"\\{imageServer}\{Imagefolder}" Set:Images_Share_Username,"{username}" Set:Images_Share_Password,"{password}" Set:_Wim_LogPaths,"false" Set:_Wim_ShowCancel,"true" ; Deployment monitoring server settings Set:_MonitorServer,"{ENGL Monitor Server}" Set:_MonitorPort,"80" Set:_MonitorData_BuildData,"" Set:_MonitorData_ComputerName,"" Set:_MonitorData_LastError,"" Set:_MonitorData_Project,"" ; Get DMI info DMI:Get,"Base Board Information","Asset Tag", DMI_Board_Asset DMI:Get,"Base Board Information","Manufacturer", DMI_Board_Vendor DMI:Get,"Base Board Information","Product Name", DMI_Board_Product DMI:Get,"Base Board Information","Serial Number", DMI_Board_SN DMI:Get,"Base Board Information","Version", DMI_Board_Version DMI:Get,"Bios Information","Vendor", DMI_Bios_Vendor DMI:Get,"Chassis Information","Asset Tag", DMI_Chassis_Asset DMI:Get,"Chassis Information","Manufacturer", DMI_Chassis_Vendor DMI:Get,"Chassis Information","Serial Number", DMI_Chassis_SN DMI:Get,"Chassis Information","Type", DMI_Chassis_Type DMI:Get,"Compaq","Ownership Tag", DMI_Compaq_Owner DMI:Get,"System Information","Manufacturer", DMI_System_Vendor DMI:Get,"System Information","Product Name", DMI_System_Product DMI:Get,"System Information","Serial Number", DMI_System_SN DMI:Get,"System Information","Version", DMI_System_Version ; Check that the DMI values are populated on this machine If:Var,DMI_System_Vendor,NE,"" Set:Lookup_Section,"%DMI_System_Vendor%" If:Var,Lookup_Section,EQ,"Lenovo" Set:Lookup_Value,"%DMI_System_Version%" ElseIf:Var,DMI_System_Product,NE,"" Set:Lookup_Value,"%DMI_System_Product%" ElseIf:Var,DMI_Board_Product,NE,"" Set:Lookup_Value,"%DMI_Board_Product%" Else: Set:Lookup_Value,"%DMI_Board_Vendor%" End: ElseIf:Var,DMI_Board_Product,NE,"" Set:Lookup_Section,"%DMI_Board_Vendor%" Set:Lookup_Value,"%DMI_Board_Product%" Else: Set:Lookup_Section,"OEM" Set:Lookup_Value,"%DMI_Board_Vendor%" End: ; Read image details from lookup file File:Ini,Get,"%_ZimDir%images.ini","%Lookup_Section%","%Lookup_Value%",Hardware_Lookup ; Additional check for Lenovo machines If:Var,Lookup_Section,EQ,"Lenovo" If:Var,Hardware_Lookup,EQ,"" Set:Lookup_Value,"%DMI_System_Product%" File:Ini,Get,"%_ZimDir%images.ini","%Lookup_Section%","%Lookup_Value%",Hardware_Lookup End: End: Set:Drivers_Image,token("%Hardware_Lookup%","|","1") Set:Machine_Type,token("%Hardware_Lookup%","|","2") Set:Driver_OS,token("%Hardware_Lookup%","|","3") ; Get network info Network:Get,eth0,IPADDR,Network_IP Network:Get,eth0,NETMASK,Network_Mask Network:Get,eth0,HWADDR,Network_Mac ; Read EBD:Custom EBD:Get,Custom,EBDSTRING ; Read information stored in EBD ; The project that was previously applied to the machine will be restored ; If a different project is required - manually add the project name ; and ensure that it is listed in the projects.ini file. Set:Lookup_Project,GetKeyPairStringValue("%EBDSTRING%", "Project") ; Manually set the project by commenting out the line above then setting the correct information on the next line. ;Set:Lookup_Project,"Windows 10 (x64)" ; ------------------------------------------------------ ; Restore ENGL Smart Windows Deployment images ; ------------------------------------------------------ Label:Restore_Ztoolkit_Begin ; Check hardware was found in lookup file If:Var,Drivers_Image,EQ,"" Dialog:Ask,"","This machine type was not found in the lookup file.",_Ok,Red Goto:TheEnd End: Label:Lookup_Project_Info ; Read in project specific information File:Ini,Get,"%_ZimDir%projects.ini","%Lookup_Project%","Project_Image_Path",Project_Image_Path File:Ini,Get,"%_ZimDir%projects.ini","%Lookup_Project%","Project_OS",Project_OS File:Ini,Get,"%_ZimDir%projects.ini","%Lookup_Project%","Partition_Count",Partition_Count File:Ini,Get,"%_ZimDir%projects.ini","%Lookup_Project%","Driver_OS",Project_Driver_OS File:Ini,Get,"%_ZimDir%projects.ini","%Lookup_Project%","Base_Image",Base_Image File:Ini,Get,"%_ZimDir%projects.ini","%Lookup_Project%","Ztoolkit",Project_Ztoolkit File:Ini,Get,"%_ZimDir%projects.ini","%Lookup_Project%","Sccmcomp",Project_sccmcomp ; Validate the project information If:Var,Project_Image_Path,EQ,"" Dialog:Ask,"Warning","The project has not been identified successfully. /n Automatic imaging of this machine cannot continue. /n Press Ok to restart the machine.",_Ok,Red Goto:TheEnd End: If:Var,Partition_Count,EQ,"1" Set:Project_Partition,"C:" File:Ini,Get,"%_ZimDir%projects.ini","%Lookup_Project%","Partition1_Size",Partition1_Size Else: Set:Project_Partition,"D:" File:Ini,Get,"%_ZimDir%projects.ini","%Lookup_Project%","Partition1_Size",Partition1_Size File:Ini,Get,"%_ZimDir%projects.ini","%Lookup_Project%","Partition2_Size",Partition2_Size End: ; Check to see if Hardware driver is available for Project_OS If:Var,Driver_OS,CONTAINS,"%Project_Driver_OS%" ; Hardware driver is available for this project Goto:Ztoolkit_ComputerName Else: ; Hardware driver is not available for this project Form:Start,"OS_Available","hardware image not found","_Ok",Blue Form:Item,"Item1",StaticText,"-The driver image for the selected Operating System" Form:Item,"Item2",StaticText,"-has not been found." Form:Item,"Item3",StaticText,"-Check the entry for this machine in the images.ini." Form:Item,"Item4",Label,"Selected OS" Form:Item,"Item5",EditBox,"%Project_Driver_OS%",ReadOnly Form:Item,"Item6",Label,"Available OS" Form:Item,"Item7",EditBox,"%Driver_OS%",ReadOnly Form:Item,"Item8",Label,"Hardware Image" Form:Item,"Item9",EditBox,"%Drivers_Image%",ReadOnly Form:Item,"Item10",StaticText,"-Select OK to return to the menu" Form:Display,"OS_Available" Goto:Theend End: Label:Ztoolkit_ComputerName ; Check for an AssetTag we can use for the DMI_NAME Set:DMI_NAME,"" If:Var,DMI_Board_Asset,NE,"" Set:DMI_NAME,"%DMI_Board_Asset%" ElseIf:Var,DMI_Chassis_Asset,NE,"" Set:DMI_NAME,"%DMI_Chassis_Asset%" End: Set:COMPUTERNAME,"" ; Read the Computer Name in from EBD (if it exists) EBD:Get,ComputerName,EBD_COMPUTERNAME If:Var,EBD_COMPUTERNAME,NE,"" Set:COMPUTERNAME,"%EBD_COMPUTERNAME%" Else: Set:COMPUTERNAME,"%DMI_NAME%" End: ; validate computername If:Var,COMPUTERNAME,EQ,"" Dialog:Ask,"","Computername is blank. Machine cannot be re-imaged. /n Automatic imaging of this machine cannot continue. /n Press Ok to restart the machine.","_Ok",Red Goto:theend Else: Set:ComputerNameLength,Len(%COMPUTERNAME%) If:Var,ComputerNameLength,GT,"15" Dialog:ask,"Error","The computer name is invalid. /n The computer name must be less than 16 characters. /n Automatic imaging of this machine cannot continue. /n Press Ok to restart the machine.","_ok",Red Goto:theend End: End: If:Var,COMPUTERNAME,CONTAINS," " Dialog:Ask,"Error","The computer name is invalid. /n The computer name must not contain a space. /n Automatic imaging of this machine cannot continue. /n Press Ok to restart the machine.","_Ok",Red Goto:theend End: Dialog:Popup,"Restoring ENGL Smart Windows build process, please wait...",Green Pause:3 ; Update EBDSTRING Set:EBDSTRING,PutKeyPairStringValue("%EBDSTRING%","Machine_Type","%Machine_Type%") Set:EBDSTRING,PutKeyPairStringValue("%EBDSTRING%","OS","%Project_OS%") Set:EBDSTRING,PutKeyPairStringValue("%EBDSTRING%","Project","%Lookup_Project%") Set:_MonitorData_Task,"" Set:MonitorStatus,"Started" Gosub:SendUpdateToMonitorServer ; Re-assign drive letters SysInfo:MoveDriveLetters File:Run,"net use "%Images_Path%" /user:%Images_Share_Username% %Images_Share_Password%",silent ; Delete diskpart script if found If:File,Exist,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt" File:Delete,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt" End: If:EFI,Exist ; EFI machines ; Create diskpart script based on projects.ini partition information File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","select disk 0" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","clean" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","convert gpt" If:Var,Partition_Count,EQ,"1" ; System partition File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","create partition efi size=260 noerr" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","format quick fs=fat32 label=System" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","assign letter=S noerr" ; Microsoft Reserved(MSR) partition File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","create partition msr size=128 noerr" ; Windows partition File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","create partition primary noerr" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","format quick fs=ntfs label=Windows noerr" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","assign letter=C noerr" Else: ; System partition File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","create partition efi size=260 noerr" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","format quick fs=fat32 label=System" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","assign letter=C noerr" ; Microsoft Reserved(MSR) partition File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","create partition msr size=128 noerr" ; Windows partition File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","create partition primary noerr" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","format quick fs=ntfs label=Windows noerr" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","assign letter=D noerr" End: File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","exit" Set:_MonitorData_Task,"Restoring %Base_Image%" Set:MonitorStatus,"Started" Gosub:SendUpdateToMonitorServer Wim:Apply,"%Images_Path%\os\%Project_OS%\%Base_Image%.wim" If:Var,_Error,Eq,1 ; Error applying image Set:_MonitorData_LastError,"Failed to restore image: %Images_Path%\os\%Project_OS%\%Base_Image%.wim" Gosub:SendUpdateToMonitorServer Dialog:Ask,"Error","Failed to restore image:\n\n%Images_Path%\os\%Project_OS%\%Base_Image%.wim\n\nClick OK to return to menu.",_Ok Menu:Return End: Set:MonitorStatus,"Finished" Gosub:SendUpdateToMonitorServer ; Copy boot files from the Windows partition to the System partition File:Run,"bcdboot %Project_Partition%\Windows" Else: ; BIOS machines ; Create diskpart script based on projects.ini partition information File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","select disk 0" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","clean" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","create partition PRIMARY size=%Partition1_Size% noerr" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","select partition 1" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","active" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","assign letter=C noerr" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","format fs=NTFS quick noerr" If:Var,Partition_Count,EQ,"2" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","create partition PRIMARY size=%Partition2_Size% noerr" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","select partition 2" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","assign letter=D noerr" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","format fs=NTFS quick noerr" End: File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","exit" Set:_MonitorData_Task,"Restoring %Base_Image%" Set:MonitorStatus,"Started" Gosub:SendUpdateToMonitorServer Wim:Apply,"%Images_Path%\os\%Project_OS%\%Base_Image%.wim" If:Var,_Error,Eq,1 ; Error applying image Set:_MonitorData_LastError,"Failed to restore image: %Images_Path%\os\%Project_OS%\%Base_Image%.wim" Gosub:SendUpdateToMonitorServer Dialog:Ask,"Error","Failed to restore image:\n\n%Images_Path%\os\%Project_OS%\%Base_Image%.wim\n\nClick OK to return to reboot.",_Ok Goto:theend End: Set:MonitorStatus,"Finished" Gosub:SendUpdateToMonitorServer End: Set:_MonitorData_Task,"Restoring hotfixes.wim" Set:MonitorStatus,"Started" Gosub:SendUpdateToMonitorServer Wim:Apply,"%Images_Path%\projects\%Project_Image_Path%\hotfixes.wim","1","%Project_Partition%" Set:MonitorStatus,"Finished" Gosub:SendUpdateToMonitorServer If:Var,Project_Sccmcomp,NE,"" Set:_MonitorData_Task,"Restoring %Project_sccmcomp%.wim" Set:MonitorStatus,"Started" Gosub:SendUpdateToMonitorServer Wim:Apply,"%Images_Path%\projects\%Project_Image_Path%\%Project_sccmcomp%.wim","1","%Project_Partition%" Set:MonitorStatus,"Finished" Gosub:SendUpdateToMonitorServer End: Set:_MonitorData_Task,"Restoring %Project_Ztoolkit%.wim" Set:MonitorStatus,"Started" Gosub:SendUpdateToMonitorServer Wim:Apply,"%Images_Path%\projects\%Project_Image_Path%\%Project_Ztoolkit%.wim","1","%Project_Partition%" If:Var,_Error,Eq,1 ; Error applying image Set:_MonitorData_LastError,"Failed to restore image: %Images_Path%\projects\%Project_Image_Path%\%Project_Ztoolkit%.wim" Gosub:SendUpdateToMonitorServer Dialog:Ask,"Error","Failed to restore image:\n\n%Images_Path%\projects\%Project_Image_Path%\%Project_Ztoolkit%.wim\n\nClick OK to return to reboot.",_Ok goto:TheEnd End: Set:MonitorStatus,"Finished" Gosub:SendUpdateToMonitorServer Set:_MonitorData_Task,"Restoring %Drivers_Image%.wim" Set:MonitorStatus,"Started" Gosub:SendUpdateToMonitorServer Wim:Apply,"%Images_Path%\drivers\%Project_Driver_OS%\%Drivers_Image%.wim","1","%Project_Partition%" Set:MonitorStatus,"Finished" Gosub:SendUpdateToMonitorServer File:Run,"net use "%Images_Path%" /delete /yes", silent Pause:2 Dialog:Popupclose ; Update the information in EBD If:Var,EBD_COMPUTERNAME,NE,"" ; Only update the computername if it was not set in EBD EBD:Put,ComputerName,"%COMPUTERNAME%" End: EBD:Put,Custom,"%EBDSTRING%" EBD:Write ; Trap EBD:Write errors If:Var,_ERROR,NE,"0" Dialog:Ask,"Error!","An error occurred writing information to EBD!","_Ok",Red End: Set:_MonitorData_Task,"" Set:MonitorStatus,"Finished" Gosub:SendUpdateToMonitorServer Goto:Reboot ; ------------------------------------------------------ ; Send Update to Monitor Server ; ------------------------------------------------------ Label:SendUpdateToMonitorServer If:Var,_MonitorServer,NE,"" Set:_MonitorData_Project,"%Lookup_Project%" Set:_MonitorData_ComputerName,"%COMPUTERNAME%" Set:_MonitorData_BuildData,"%EBDSTRING%" Monitor:SendUpdate,"%MonitorStatus%" End: Return: ; ------------------------------------------------------ ; Reboot ; ------------------------------------------------------ Label:Reboot Dialog:Popup,"Restarting, please wait..." Pause:2 ; Let the TS handle the reboot ;File:Run,"wpeutil reboot", silent ; ------------------------------------------------------ ; The End ; ------------------------------------------------------ Label:TheEnd
- Update additional files in the
folder structure.
The standard ENGL boot images have had several files added to ensure thatZim
runs correctly. These files need to be added to thezimfiles
folder structure.
- x86 files.
from{x86 winpe path}\Zimbin\
- x64 files.
from{x64 winpe path}\Zimbin\
- x86 files.
NOTE: The paths: {x86 winpe path} and {x64 winpe path} are the paths identified when configuring the Boot Images earlier.
- Create the
Zim package.
- Launch the System Center console
- Navigate to \Software Library\Overview\Application Management\Packages
- [Optional] Create an ENGL folder to contain the Zim package
- Select Create Package from the ribbon bar
- Populate the requested information:
Name ENGL Zim (for remote re-image) Description ENGL Zim media used for automatic re-image Manufacturer ENGL Language EN Version 1.0
Enable the This package contains source files option.
Browse to the\\{sccmserver}\REMINST\SMSTemp\zimfiles
folder then click Next
- When prompted select Do not create a program then click Next
- Click Next
- Click Close
- Launch the System Center console
- The
Zim Package
has now been created successfully.
NOTE: If you update your Zim binaries you must remember to update the Package. In Configuration Manager Console, navigate to Software Library\Overview\Application Management\Packages. Right-click ENGL Zim (for remote re-image), and then click Update Distribution Points.
- Create a
Create Collection
If the Task Sequence(s) are to be deployed using the [Required] option it is recommended that a new Collection is configured.
This will ensure that only the machines that are a member of the Collection are re-imaged.
To set up a new Collection do the following:- Launch the System Center console
- Navigate to \Assets and Compliance\Overview\Device Collections
- [Optional] Create an ENGL folder to contain the re-image Collection
- Select Create Device Collection from the ribbon bar
- Populate the requested information:
Name ENGL Re-image Devices Comment Collection used to target machines for a re-image Limiting collection All Desktop and Server Clients (or any more appropriate Collection)
Then click Next
- When prompted enable Use incremental updates for this collection then click Next
- When prompted about membership rules click Ok as machines will be manually added to this collection
- Click Next
- Click Close
- Right click on the newly created collection then select Properties
- Select the General tab then make a note of the Collection ID for use later.
- Launch the System Center console
- The
ENGL Re-image Devices
collection has now been created successfully.
Create and configure re-image Task Sequence(s)
A Task Sequence is required for both x86 and x64 re-image processes. Both Task Sequences will use the
Zim Package
created earlier.
The following steps will create the x86 Task Sequence:
- Launch the System Center Console
- Navigate to \Software Library\Overview\Operating Systems\Task Sequences
- [Optional] Create an ENGL folder to contain the re-image task sequences
- Select Create Task Sequence from the ribbon bar
- When prompted select Create a new custom task sequence then click Next
- Populate the requested information:
Task sequence name ENGL Re-image (x86) Description Re-image a machine using ENGL deployment process
Browse and select theENGL Boot Image (x86) Re-image
boot image then click Next
- Click Next
- Click Close
- Launch the System Center Console
- The Task Sequence has now been created successfully. It now needs some additional configuration.
- Right click on the newly created task sequence, then select Edit
- Select Add - General - Restart Computer to add a Restart computer task sequence step
- Update the information in the step as follows:
- Select the Properties tab
Properties Tab Name Restart to Windows PE Description Restart to Windows PE Notification Message Launching ENGL reimage process Message display time-out (seconds) 2
- Select the Options tab
Click on Add Condition - Task Sequence Variable
Task Sequence Variable Variable _SMSTSInWinPE Condition equals Value false
This will stop Zim from running withinWindows
when the Task Sequence is launched from theSoftware Center
- Select the Properties tab
- Select Add - General - Run Command line to add a Run Command line Task Sequence step. This needs to be below the
Restart to Windows PE
Task Sequence step.
- Update the information in the step as follows:
- Select the Properties tab
Properties Tab Name Launch Zim Description Launch Zim using zimauto.cfg as the config file. Command Line cmd.exe /c zimrun.cmd Disable 64-bit file system redirection Enabled (ticked) Package Enabled (ticked) Package Browse to and select the ENGL Zim (for remote re-image)
- Select the Options tab and set:
Options Tab Success Codes 0 1
- Select the Properties tab
- Click on Ok to save the changes to the Task Sequence
- Right click on the newly created task sequence, then select Edit
Once the Task Sequence has been created successfully the process can be repeated to create an x64 Task Sequence.
NOTE: The Task Sequence(s) will need to be distributed to the appropriate distribution point(s) before they can be tested. -
Update deployment project
If the Task Sequence(s) are to be deployed using the [Required] option it is recommended that the project is configured to ensure that the workstation object is removed from the Imaging collection in phase 2.
To configure the project to do this perform the following actions:
- Launch Build Console
- Open the SCCM project that is to be deployed
- Select the Expert View
- Select Customisation - Custom Files
- Right click on
from the Properties pane and select Edit
file will open in the default text editor on the machine running Build Console
- Add the lines in green to the file as follows:
' ENGL Build Console 10.0 ' Copyright (C) 1999-2015 Expert Networking Group Limited ' ' Custom script template (phase2-before.vbs) ' Attach to ENGL Ztoolkit ActiveX Control Set LDAP = CreateObject("ENGL.Ztoolkit.LDAP") Set Utils = CreateObject("ENGL.Ztoolkit.Utils") Set SCCM = CreateObject("ENGL.Ztoolkit.SCCM") ' Add custom script here... Utils.AppendLog "*** Removing machine from ENGL Re-image Collection {LAB00015} ***" SCCM.RemoveFromCollection "LAB00015"
NOTE: Replace LAB00015 with the ENGL Re-image collection ID identified earlier [Step 3.11]
then save and close the file
- To recreate the build process
file select Tools - Validate project settings.
If any issues are reported resolve these prior to continuing
- Select Tools - Deployment Wizard
- When prompted select Build process creation from the Deployment Tasks page then select Next
- Enable Build process (ztoolkit.wim) from the Build Process Image Creation page then select Next
NOTE: The SCCM components (sccmcomp.wim) image has not been modified so can be deselected if required. - Once the Deployment Wizard has completed, copy the updated image file(s) to the appropriate location on the imaging server
- Launch Build Console
Deploy Task sequence(s)
- Launch The System Center console
- Navigate to \Software Library\Overview\Operating Systems\Task Sequences
- Right click on the task sequence you wish to deploy [
ENGL Re-image (x86)
orENGL Re-image (x64)
] then select Deploy
- Browse for and select the Collection to which the Task Sequence is to be deployed. (Either use an existing Collection or the one that was created in step 3), then select Next
- Set the deployment purpose:
- If the Purpose of the deployment is set to Available then the re-image will occur when the option is selected in the
Software Center
Ensure that the Make available to the following option is set to Only Configuration Manager Clients
- If the Purpose of the deployment is set to Required then the re-image will occur as soon as the machine is aware of the deployment.
- If you wish machines to restart while running Windows and then re-image, ensure that the Make available to the following option is set to Only Configuration Manager Clients
- If you wish machines to re-image on a restart ensure that the Make available to the following option is set to Only media and PXE
- If you wish machines to restart while running Windows or begin to re-image on first restart, ensure that the Make available to the following option is set to Configuration Manager Clients, media and PXE
- If you wish machines to restart while running Windows and then re-image, ensure that the Make available to the following option is set to Only Configuration Manager Clients
- If the Purpose of the deployment is set to Available then the re-image will occur when the option is selected in the
- Configure appropriate settings for the remainder of the
Deploy Software wizard
The re-image Task Sequence(s) are now ready for deployment.
- Launch The System Center console
Add machines to Collection and test.
The Task Sequence is now associated to an empty Collection. As soon as a machine is added to the Collection, the Task Sequence will be available to the machine.
If the deployment purpose is set to Available then the Task Sequence can be found in the Software Center.
If the deployment purpose is set to Required then the Task Sequence will start as soon as it can. If the machine is running Windows then it will restart and then re-image.
If it is not running Windows but is subsequently powered on the Task Sequence will boot to Windows PE and the machine will be re-imaged.
If you have any problems or questions about the steps in this TID please contact the ENGL support team