
When a PC is built using the ENGL deployment process, information is stored in the Windows registry about the date on which the build was done, and which version of Imaging Toolkit was used. This information can be captured in ZCM Asset Inventory, and used in Inventory reporting.


Done Task
1. Adding Administrator-Defined Fields
2. Capturing Data
3. Using the Data in Reports

  1. Adding Administrator-Defined Fields

    In order to store the build information in the ZENworks inventory, it is necessary to create Administrator-Defined Fields (ADFs)

    • Open ZENworks Control Center (ZCC) and navigate to Configuration and click the Asset Inventory tab

    • Click on Workstation under Administrator-Defined fields

      Image images/TID2015003-ADF1.png not found. []
    • Create a field called ENGL Build, data type integer, with a default value of 0 (workstations built using an ENGL deployment will have a value of 1)

      Image images/TID2015003-ADF2.png not found. []
    • Create a field called ENGL Build Date, data type character, size 10 (note the date is stored as text, in UK-format, i.e., dd/mm/yyyy regardless of the locale)

      Image images/TID2015003-ADF4.png not found. []
    • Create a field called ENGL Version, data type character, size 10

      Image images/TID2015003-ADF3.png not found. []
  2. Capturing Data

    In order to populate the ADFs, the Collection Data Form needs to be configured.

    • Open ZENworks Control Center (ZCC) and navigate to Configuration > Collection Data Form

    • Find the ENGL fields on the page, and click on the link for each that is under the Autofill heading

    • Use the Registry Key entry, and specify the following values

      Administrator-Defined Field Registry Key
      ENGL Build HKLM\Software\ENGL\ImagingToolkit\ENGLBuild
      ENGL Build Date HKLM\Software\ENGL\ImagingToolkit\BuildDate
      ENGL Version HKLM\Software\ENGL\ImagingToolkit\Version

      for example

      Image images/TID2015003-ADF5.png not found. []
    • ZCM inventory must be configured to launch the Collection Data Form (this can be done as part of the normal inventory scan, or separately - see the ZCM 11 Documentation for more details)

  3. Using the data in reports

    There are many ways of using the data, but here is a simple report that will show which machines have been built using Imaging Toolkit deployments, when they were last built, and what version of Imaging Toolkit was used:

    • Create an Inventory Custom report and add ENGL Build = 1 to the criteria, and select the desired fields

      Image images/TID2015003-ADF6.png not found. []

If you have any problems or questions about the steps in this TID please contact the ENGL support team