
ZCM registration may fail when deploying a clone image that contains the ZCM 11.4.x agent.

This is caused by a change in how the ZCM 11.4.x agent starts up compared to previous versions when the ZISD:JustImaged flag is set to true.


Reset the ZISD: JustImaged flag to False.


Option 1:

Done Task
1. Modify the project that will be cloned
2. Deploy new build process image
3. Test the updated image

Option 2:

Done Task
1. Modify the Clone image
2. Test the updated image

Option 1:

  1. Modify the project that will be cloned

    • Launch Build Console.

    • Open project file.

    • Select Expert view -> Customisation -> Custom Files.

    • Update the phase1-before.vbs with the following lines:

      if (Utils.GetSystemEnvironmentVariable("ENGLCLONE") = "1") then
      Utils.appendLog "Clone build detected. Need to Check if ZISD:JustImagedFlag is set"
      ZISDJustImagedFlag = ZENworks.GetZisdAttributeValue("JustImaged")
      If ZISDJustImagedFlag = "true" then
      Utils.appendLog "Setting ZISD:JustImagedFlag to False"
      ZENworks.PutZisdAttributeValue "JustImaged", False
      ' Write changes
      End if
      End if
    • Save changes to project
  2. Deploy new build process image

    • Select Tools ->Deployment Wizard then click Next.
    • Select Build process Creation from the list of deployment tasks then click Next.
    • Select Build process (ztoolkit.zmg) from the Image Selection options. Deselect the other options then click Next.
    • click Next.
    • click Yes if prompted to continue.
    • click OK to dialog reporting The deployment has been created successfully..
    • Open the images folder and copy/update the <project directory>/ztoolkit.zmg file to the /images/<project directory> folder on the server.
  3. Test updated files

    • PXE Boot a machine to the ZENworks imaging Environment.
    • Select and restore the project.
    • When the deployment process has completed, login as an administrator and run C:\Ztoolkit\Zclonewiz.exe to start the clone process.
    • Once Zclonewiz has completed, reboot the machine into ZENworks imaging and start a multicast master session.
    • Check that machines receiving the multicast image register with ZCM as expected.

      NOTE: Refer to the Imaging Toolkit documentation for more details on the Imaging Toolkit cloning process

Option 2:

  1. Modify the Clone image

    • Launch ZENworks Image Explorer.
    • Extract the C:\Ztoolkit\phase1-before.vbs file from the image.
    • Update the phase1-before.vbs script with the line:

      if (Utils.GetSystemEnvironmentVariable("ENGLCLONE") = "1") then
      Utils.appendLog "Clone build detected. Need to Check if ZISD:JustImagedFlag is set"
      ZISDJustImagedFlag = ZENworks.GetZisdAttributeValue("JustImaged")
      If ZISDJustImagedFlag = "true" then
      Utils.appendLog "Setting ZISD:JustImagedFlag to False"
      ZENworks.PutZisdAttributeValue "JustImaged", False
      ' Write changes
      End if
      End if
    • Add the modified phase1-before.vbs file to the C:\Ztoolkit folder in the image replacing the existing file.
    • Save the image file.
  2. Test updated files

    • PXE Boot a machine to the ZENworks imaging Environment.
    • Select and restore the clone image.
    • The ENGL deployment process will run.
    • Check that the machine has registered correctly with the ZCM zone.

If you have any problems or questions about the steps in this TID please contact the ENGL support team