
Occasionally WIM images become "stuck" in a partially mounted state which may cause errors such as "Unable to delete WinPE files from workspace" or "Unable to update WinPE.wim file" to be reported in the Integration, Deployment or Boot Media wizards as they attempt to mount a new WIM or clean up temporary files.


The solution will vary slightly depending on what has caused the WIM to become "stuck" but with newer ADKs installed on a current version of Windows the first procedure is generally successful.

Procedure #1

  1. Close Build Console if it is open
  2. Open an Administrative command prompt
  3. Run Dism /Get-MountedWimInfo
  4. Make a note of any mounted WIMs
  5. Run Dism /Cleanup-Wim
  6. Reboot
  7. If any mounted WIMs were listed in step 3 run Dism /Get-MountedWimInfo again and see if they have been removed
  8. Run Build Console and re-attempt the process that was failing

Procedure #2 (only required if #1 did not work)

  1. Close Build Console if it is open
  2. Open an Administrative command prompt
  3. Run Dism /Get-MountedWimInfo
  4. Make a note of the mount path of any mounted WIMs
  5. Run Dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:<path_to_mounted_image> /Discard
  6. If this succeeds run Dism /Get-MountedWimInfo again to check that the WIM has been unmounted
  7. If this fails, or the WIM is still reported as being mounted, restart the machine and repeat the process
  8. Once no WIMs are listed as mounted run Build Console and re-attempt the process that was failing

Procedure #3 (only required if #1 and #2 did not work)

  1. Open Build Console, select Options > Folders
  2. Make a note of the Temporary Workspace path
  3. Click Cancel to exit
  4. Close Build Console
  5. In File Explorer rename the Temporary Workspace path by adding "-OLD" to the end
  6. Start Build Console and retry the operation that previously failed
  7. In File Explorer delete the old (renamed) Temporary Workspace path

If you have any problems or questions about the steps in this TID please contact the ENGL support team