When deploying a machine using ZENworks imaging with ENGL PE (as per TID 2018004 ) the imaging engine is unable to delete the disk partitions and the deployment process then fails.
This has been reported to Micro Focus and will be resolved in a future release of ZENworks Configuration Management.
Use a diskpart script to reset the partitions prior to letting the imagine engine (img.exe) configure the disk.
- Set up a zim.cfg file as per TID 2018004
- Open the zim.cfg file in a text editor.
- Find the entry below then edit to add in the diskpart script section shown in green
Dialog:Popup,"Restoring ENGL Smart Windows build process, please wait...",Green Pause:3 ; Update VendorDataENGL (sample) Set:VendorDataENGLSTRING,PutKeyPairStringValue("%VendorDataENGLSTRING%","Machine_Type","%Machine_Type%") Set:VendorDataENGLSTRING,PutKeyPairStringValue("%VendorDataENGLSTRING%","OS","%Project_OS%") Set:VendorDataENGLSTRING,PutKeyPairStringValue("%VendorDataENGLSTRING%","Project","%Lookup_Project%") Set:_MonitorData_Task,"" Set:MonitorStatus,"Started" Gosub:SendUpdateToMonitorServer ; ; Workaround for img.exe unable to delete diskpart encrypted partitions ; Delete diskpart script if found If:File,Exist,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt" File:Delete,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt" End: File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","select disk 0" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","clean" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","create partition primary" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","assign letter = c" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","active" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","Format FS=NTFS LABEL=System QUICK" File:Append,"%_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt","exit" ; run diskpart to clear all partitions on the machine File:Run,"diskpart /s %_ZimDir%ZimDiskpartScript.txt" If:EFI,Exist ; EFI machines ; Clear all partitions File:Run,"cmd /c img -pd -all >> zim.log",verbose
- Save changes to the zim.cfg file.
- Test the updated file.
If you have any problems or questions about the steps in this TID please contact the ENGL support team