
An issue has been identified with Imaging Toolkit 11.0.6 where by the build process will stall in phase4 when the ZENworks Application Installation option  "Add  To Startup" option is configured.

NOTE:This issue has been fixed in Imaging Toolkit 11.0.7

Note : This issue will be resolved in the next release of Imaging Toolkit.


  • ENGL Imaging Toolkit 11.0.6
  • ZENworks Deployment project


The recommended workaround for this issue is to disable the "Add To Startup" option in the project then configure the Phase4-after.vbs script to set the appropriate registry key.


1.Disable "Add To Startup" option in the project
2.Update phase4-after.vbs file in custom files
3.Recreate build process images

  1. Disable "Add To Startup" option in the project

    1. Open Build Console

    2. Open the project you wish to update

    3. Select the Expert View Tab

    4. Select ZENworks -> Applications

    5. Change the "Add To Startup" option from "True" to "False"

    6. Save changes to the project

  2. Update phase4-after.vbs file in custom files

    In Build Console

    1. Select the Expert View Tab

    2. Select Customisation -> Custom Files  

    3. Right click on Phase4-after.vbs then select Edit. The file will open in the default text editor on the machine.

    4. Insert the following script sample:

      ' add zapp-launcher to startup
      utils.appendlog " Add ZAPP-Launcher to startup"
      ' Create a WSH Shell object:
      Set wshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
      Key = "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ZAPP"
      ZAPP = "%ZENWORKS_HOME%\bin\zapp-launcher.exe"
      ZAPPCMDLINE = "/s"
      regkey = ZAPP & " " & ZAPPCMDLINE
      ' add run registry key
      wshShell.RegWrite Key, regkey, "REG_EXPAND_SZ"

      Update the ZAPPCMDLINE entry if required. Command line options can be found in the appropriate ZENworks documentation

    5. Save changes to the file

  3. Recreate build process images.

    Open the project you wish to update and complete the following steps:

    1. In the global toolbar, click  to launch the Deployment Wizard

    2. At the Welcome page, click Next

    3. At the Task Selection page, select Build process creation then click Next

    4. At the Image Selection page, select the following image then click Next.

      • Build process  (ztoolkit)

    5. Click Next

    6. Once the Deployment Wizard has completed, leave the default options selected and then click Finish

    7. Once Windows Explorer has opened the images folder: 

      Copy the image files directory structure to the content-repo/images folder on the ZENworks server.

  4. Test

    Run a test build to confirm everything is now working.

If you have any problems or questions about the steps in this TID please contact the ENGL support team