TID-20210330 ENGL Deployment application installation
Modified on: Wed, 31 Mar, 2021 at 6:07 PM
- Imaging Toolkit 11.0.9
- ENGL Deployment (WinPE/WIM)
- Ensure you have a working automated deployment by following the documentation walkthrough.
- Create an apps folder,i.e. "\\myserver\myshare\apps".
- Start Build Console and open your ENGL Deployment project.
- From the Expert View, select Customisation > Custom Files, select and edit phase3-before.vbs, then add and save the following lines:
' Map a driver to share
' Note: Uncomment this section if the machine is not in a domain and/or needs authentication to the share.
'Dim objNetwork, strRemoteShare
'Set objNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
'strRemoteShare = "\\myserver\myshare"
'objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "P:", strRemoteShare, False
' Copy installer script to local drive
Dim objFileSystem
Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objFileSystem.CreateFolder "c:\ztoolkit\apps"
objFileSystem.CopyFile "\\myserver\myshare\apps\install-apps.ps1", "c:\ztoolkit\apps\"
- From the Expert View, select Customisation > Applications, then set Enabled to True and the Command line to the following:
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File c:\ztoolkit\apps\install-apps.ps1
- Save the project.
- Run Deployment Wizard to recreate the build process add-on image (Ztoolkit.wim).
- Copy the updated Ztoolkit.wim to the imaging server.
- Create the following file in \\myserver\myshare\apps\install-apps.ps1:
# ENGL Deployment - Install Applications Script
# Note: Must only be run as part of ENGL Imaging Toolkit
# deployment process from "C:\Ztoolkit\Apps".
# Intialise ENGL components
$Monitor = new-object -comobject "ENGL.Ztoolkit.Monitor"
$Utils = new-object -comobject "ENGL.Ztoolkit.Utils"
# Enable verbose logging
$Monitor.DebugLevel = 1
$Utils.DebugLevel = 1
# Globals
$AppRootPath = "\\myserver\myshare\apps"
$MachineName = Hostname
# Install application and send status updates to ENGL Deployment Monitor
function Engl_InstallAppNoWait($name, $cmdline, $arglist)
# Send status update - Started
$Monitor.Task = "Installing $name"
$Monitor.Status = "Started"
$ret = $Monitor.SendUpdate()
# Install application
$utils.AppendLog("Installing $name...")
$utils.AppendLog(" cmdline: '$cmdline'")
$utils.AppendLog(" arglist: '$arglist'")
Start-Process $cmdline -ArgumentList $arglist
$utils.AppendLog(" ret: $status")
# Send status update - Finished
$Monitor.Task = "Installing $name"
$Monitor.Status = "Finished"
$ret = $Monitor.SendUpdate()
function Engl_InstallAppWait($name, $cmdline, $arglist)
# Send status update - Started
$Monitor.Task = "Installing $name"
$Monitor.Status = "Started"
$ret = $Monitor.SendUpdate()
# Install application
$utils.AppendLog("Installing $name...")
$utils.AppendLog(" cmdline: '$cmdline'")
$utils.AppendLog(" arglist: '$arglist'")
Start-Process $cmdline -ArgumentList $arglist -windowstyle minimized -wait
$utils.AppendLog(" ret: $status")
# Send status update - Finished
$Monitor.Task = "Installing $name"
$Monitor.Status = "Finished"
$ret = $Monitor.SendUpdate()
# Example application installation
$ret = Engl_InstallAppWait "MyAppTitle" "$AppRootPath\MyAppFolder\MySetup.exe" "/install /quiet /norestart"
# Complete application install process (Imaging Toolkit continues build process)
$utils.AppendLog("Completing application install process")
$status = $utils.run("c:\ztoolkit\zmainrun.exe /build /lastappinstalled", 0, $false)
- Modify the Powershell script to install applications for all machine builds. The "Example application installation" is an example and can be replaced with your own application setups. Use the Engl_InstallAppNoWait to run a setup without waiting for it to exit (asynchronously) or Engl_InstallAppWait function to run a setup and wait for it to exit (synchronously). If you're not using ENGL Deployment Monitor, comment out the lines containing "SendUpdate".
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